Dixon Transport Phase 1
Dixon Transport
Keith Ludlow Associates
€22.5 million
About Project
23rd November 2022: Work is underway on the workshop element of this project.
3rd November 2022: Works are currently onsite for the construction of 2 no. warehouses (units no. 1 and 2) with ancillary offices and staff facilities and associated development as follows:
Unit 1 will have a maximum height of 18.6 metres with a gross floor area of 8,181 sq m comprising warehouse area (7,165 sq m), ancillary office areas (372 sq m) and staff facilities (644 sq m); and unit 2, which includes a workshop, will have a maximum height of 18.3 metres with a gross floor area of 7,912 sq m comprising warehouse area (7,112 sq m), ancillary office areas (136 sq m) and staff facilities (664 sq m). The development will also include: the extension of the ashbourne business park internal estate road and provision of internal access/egress spurs; pedestrian access; 84 no. car parking spaces; bicycle parking; 25 no. hgv parking spaces; hgv marshalling yards; 2 no. level access goods doors; 14 no. dock levellers; gates; signage; lighting; sprinkler tank; pump house; balconies facing east and north east; canopy; boundary treatments; hard and soft landscaping; and all associated site development works above and below ground. the lands are part bounded by agricultural lands (to the east and north); unit no. 20, ashbourne business park is adjacent to the site to the south-west; unit no. 12d, ashbourne business park is located to the south-east of the lands.